Why Benchstone?

A bench stone is used to build and sharpen valuable blades and other important tools. Bench stones are specialist resources and some are even diamond coated. Over twenty years I have come to passionately believe that partnerships and alliances are vital and valuable marketing tools that when properly managed can give businesses a unique cutting edge  – creating an advantage that is difficult, expensive if not impossible for rivals to replicate. And Benchstone Marketing Limited is established to support senior management, brands and organisations plan, pioneer and sharpen their marketing partnerships.

What do we do? Benchstone provides support in three valuable areas: Strategic Planning, Pioneering and Sharpening Services. Every good Marketing Partnership programme is based on a sound, well researched, realistic foundation and our Partnership Planning support makes sure the Strategic Plan you develop is a strong one.  Secondly, Benchstone can provide an experienced additional Partnership Manager for when you need it: to help you to Pioneer targeted new relationships and clear the way for genuine engagement.  Finally – as befits a company named Benchstone we believe in Sharpening up, providing bespoke coaching and training sessions so that your team improve how they manage new and existing marketing relationships.

If you’d like to know more about Benchstone – or you would just like to have a chat contact Andrew Armour and join him for a no obligations chat over a decent cup of coffee at Adam Street, The Strand, London.

Author: Andrew Armour

Andrew Armour is a marketing and media professional, a specialist in business partnerships and the Founder of the consulting business - Benchstone Limited. His career spans from the UK music industry to the America's Cup, from winning agency pitches to securing key digital content deals. He is married to Viv, lives in Hampshire and works in London.

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