Quotes 4 Coaching Conversations

Albert Ellis, one of the founders of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on what life is often not easy
The great Carl Jung, on the need to move forward.
Often, we know our best coaching voice is ourselves – but we choose to ignore it.
Morita applied principles of purpose in Japanese Zen Buddhism to pragmatic cognitive therapy

Coaching Positively #1: Applying Positive Psychology

It has been said that happiness is not the absence or avoidance of problems, but creating an environment within ourselves to deal with them. In coaching and mentoring, the conversation invariably starts with the framing of a problem of the very human kind, sometimes known, sometimes unknown, and almost always leading to questions of purpose, behaviour and self. So, how does Positive Psychology potentially help coach and coachee to sail in these sensitive waters? And what does it actually mean. And why might it work for you?

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You Can’t Manage Time

‘Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organisation, preparation and action’

– David Kekich

This will take you about five minutes, ten seconds to read. You can’t manage time – you can only manage yourself. This simple axiom is as true today as when I first heard it years ago. It speaks to truth. Like most of you, I have sometimes felt in the groove; focused and organised. At my best, I am productive and happy. At my worst, I have been as effective as a chocolate teapot; not useful, ineffective – yet strangely, more stressed. So, what was the difference?

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